9 Saturn Vue results
New York, New York
I like the fact that it is reliable and safe but the check engine light does pop up quite a few times
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Roomy and smooth
I bought my 2004 Saturn Vue used, with about 130,000 miles on it. I've had it now for about four months, and I am overall very satisfied with this vehicle. Its 4-cylinder engine grants it about 25 mpg, which is very efficient for a vehicle of its size and time. It drives well also, apart from the engine being very loud on the inside of the car (nothing intrusive). When shifting in manual, the clutch goes down smooth and the stick transitions positions easily and with surprising grace for a vehicle of its age/price range. The gears seems to shift well, no real shakiness or stuttering during the shifting process.
The vehicle also drives surprisingly healthy, considering its age. I drive it from Murfreesboro, TN to Athens, TN on a regular basis (about a tow-and-a-half hour drive) and I get no engine problems or anything similar. I also change the oil regularly, so maintaining the vehicle is very important. This is true of all vehicles, though, so I do not see it as a problem.
As far as the interior of the vehicle is concerned, overall it is quite a comfortable ride. The seats are comfortable, yet the material does tend to feel cheap. The back seats do come down, though, granting the Vue a large amount of space for storage. Not that the trunk is lacking in storage room already; it has plenty of room even with the seats up.
Overall, my experience with this vehicle has been surprisingly happy, I would definitely like to see more people driving it, and it is a shame they didn't continue to do so. It may not be the greatest vehicle of its time, but for its price it is hard to beat.