25 Scion tC results
Marion, New York
Love Scion tC's
Overall review of my 2010 Scion TC is positive. The car is reasonably priced when new, however, I bought mine used for $12k with 34,000 miles already on it. The Scion was easy to learn to drive as it was my first standard transmission. Its clutching/shifting is very smooth. The car handles well in the snow with it being a front wheel drive and using the lower gears for better traction. Side note: the 2010 models look far better with a spoiler than without.
San Jose, California
Amazing ride
My vehicle is a Toyota Scion tC. It is a rich oxblood color and looks absolutely gorgeous. It is a two door car and the body shape is very cute and stylish. I love this car so much, the interior is a dark fabric which I prefer in order to keep it looking clean. When I had a tan interior in a previous car I found that it started looking very dirty due to the wear and tear of driving it daily. I love that it has a huge sunroof because it can let a lot of sun and air into the car without me rolling down my windows. I have long hair and with the windows down my hair can flap in my face and make it hard to see the road. I love how powerful the car is and how fast it can go and I also like how reliable it is and how it has never caused me any problems using it. The windows are tinted and it just looks sleek and cute driving on the road. It is such an easy car to drive and it is so smooth and steady, it definitely is my favorite car and I feel lucky to have found it.