30 Subaru Outback results
2007 Subaru Outback OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Los Angeles, California
Suburu Outback: Reliability on the Go
Overall, the Subaru outback is a wonderfully reliable car with few faults, for those who are looking for a reliable car capable of longevity without an over abundance of frills and luxury appearance. The car does seem to have some issues related to the head gasket / radiator system on some models after prolonged use, but in general the car is very consistent and has few flaws.
Cheshire Village, Connecticut
Not great, dangerous ending.
I purchased this car as a used car, so the car was about 8 years old when I got it. It was a fairly smooth ride as long as I stayed below 60 mph. Once I went above that speed, the car would absolutely rumble and slide. Occasionally when driving in the highway, the car would slightly lose control and veer to one side, even though the roads were not wet or slippery at all. This car did have quite a long life span, but towards the end of owning it, it went completely down hill. The way that this car "died" was an electrical fire that occurred in the front headlight. The car was off and parked in the driveway, and something happened with the electric wiring, and it completely set on fire. The entire front half of the car burnt down and the car was destroyed.