75,541 AMC results
Princeton, Florida
Josiah (below) my friend Hindi is a language the national language of India. Punjab is a place in India - you may wish to be Punjabi in which case wish to be Indian then your history will encompass 5,000 years and you would be part of the motherland that gave birth to Pakistan and Bangladesh. And yes Hindi is indeed a beautifully evolved and much envied language.
Boston, Massachusetts
rusty but charming
I like the car's styling most of all. It looks futuristic, in the way that people in the 70s thought the future would look, and it's really amazing. It turns heads everywhere. Plus the car is so compact that it's easy to park, but I can easily fit a bunch of groceries in the back, or a few friends (since everyone wants to carpool in this sweet ride). It sort of looks like a Gremlin, which I think was the car that came before it, also made by AMC. But it's not a Gremlin, it's a Spirit. Heck yeah. The one thing I don't like about this car though, is that it's pretty unreliable. It breaks down all the time, which may just be because of its age, I don't know. But it seems like something is always rattling loose and falling off on the highway, and every day it's got a new mysterious noise when you shift into 3rd or whatever. Plus it's rusty as all get out.
Madison, Wisconsin
I bought this car 20 years ago for $300. That's right... Three hundred, not three thousand. Sure, she was a little used and needed some TLC, but this car has been a solid performer year in and year out.
This is the hatchback model of the '80 AMC Spirit. It used to have a racing stripe down the side but with a new paint job, the stripe had to go. Plenty of room for my needs and this car even helped me move from apartment to apartment in the early days (but then again, I didn't own much back then).
Quality-wise, what can you say about a car that's 35 years old except that I've learned an awful lot about cars taking care of her! It's not the cars fault... Things get old, they wear out. This car has had a broken leaf spring, a stuck emergency brake, leaky oil and there's some rusting out on the underbelly, but all in all, a solid car.
I don't drive much so that's why she hasn't been driven into the ground, but remember, I already bought her used for $300 back in the day! Time and time again, this car has proven herself to be a trooper. The best example was when a bone-chilling winter day killed everyone's fancy cars. But my 300 buck baby coughed a little and purred right to life. Atta girl!
Super comfy for someone who doesn't have fancy tastes. The interior is respectable and no fancy electronics to go haywire and cost you big bucks to fix. Any old-school mechanic can tinker around and fix her right up.