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Beaverton, OR Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Beaverton?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Beaverton, OR
Beaverton, OR Driving Tips
Please watch out for bicycles. Many people in Oregon use bikes as their main method of transportation. You cannot park in bike lanes, obstruct them in any way and be courteous to travelers on bikes.
Beaverton, OR Buying Tips
There are a bunch of dealerships on TV Highway starting in town. I won't be buying a used car again if I can help it. But if you do, Craigslist would be the way to go. Dealers are now selling used cars as "pre-owned and certified" cars. The fancy name doesn't change the fact that the dealers are just trying to make more money.
Favorite driving memory
I like to look at all the people on the streets. I like to look at nature around me. I also talk a lot to my 6-year-old son about what is going on around us. He's my driving partner. We look out for new and interesting things; vehicles, animals, etc.
Favorite road
Cornelius Pass Road. I takes us from the Suburbs near Intel to the country. If you drive it you will see hazelnut orchards, small and large farms that sell their products. In Autumn the trees are lovely. It is quiet and shows us the things that can be grown in Oregon.
Beaverton, OR
Beaverton, OR Driving Tips
A tip I would give to any driver anywhere is simply this... Treat people the way you want to be treated. Don't be an asshole.
Beaverton, OR Buying Tips
Craigslist is the way to go for sure. If you do go through Craigslist, I recommend either having a mechanic come to give the car a basic once over if you are seriously considering purchasing it or learn the basic things to look for yourself, like check to see if anything is leaking or dripping under the car, listen to how it sounds when it's running.
Favorite driving memory
I know it sounds cheesy, but actually the drive in the morning to work is always something I appreciate. My work is at the top of a huge hill in Aloha, OR and from the top where I park my car I have a beautiful view of the mountains on the Oregon Coast. It always kind of forces me to take a moment to breath and appreciate what I have
Favorite road
Farmington RD. I like Farmington RD because it is a nice long road that goes to either a.) The highway or b.) Down random, weird windy roads that are like a little adventure.