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Medford, Oregon
Lithia Honda In Medford
2003 Honda 856
Good selection of cars. Able to finance. Quick and easy purchase.
Medford, OR Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Medford?
Medford, OR
In Downtown Medford it gets really congested in the afternoon and evening. When traffic gets backed up, make sure there is room for your entire car on the other side of the intersection before you cross the side street. It's not safe for pedestrians to have to walk around the back of your car because you blocked their crosswalk.
Gas is relatively cheap here, but there are so many great road trips and distant areas in the Rogue Valley. It's really easy to drive 50-70 miles every day so fuel efficiency will save you a lot of money. So many people drive pickup trucks and large SUVs and never take them off-road. It wastes so much money for the driver when they make those types of vehicles daily commuters. For me, getting 10mpg less than I do now would cost me $6-8 per day of commuting. That's $30-48 per week or $1,560-2,496 per year for no reason at all. If you need to move something big, don't worry, one of your friends has a truck you can use.
In the summer there are warm nights in Medford. Last summer I had just finished with a late-night community college course and I was free for the rest of the night. I grabbed a burrito from Chipotle, rolled down the windows, turned my music up, and hit the freeway. There was money in the bank and I felt confident with my life and more importantly, free.
Old Stage Road.. It has excellent views of the Rogue Valley and even Mt. Thielsen way up north. It's never crowded and the neighborhood is really nice in most parts. I love the faint farm smell on the road on the way to Jacksonville. It's just a great road to relax on. I don't mind the occasional cyclists because I also cycle on that road and they chose that route for a good reason.
Medford, OR
When your light turns green, DO NOT jump into the intersection right away. Wait for the intersection to clear of people running the red light.
Take the old roads on the edge of the city, they are full of history from the gold rush and the Oregon trail. Visit Jacksonville a short hop to the NW.
I personally buy cars as the second owner. I don't buy from dealers or lemon lots. Buy from the paper. Try to catch somebody that just bought a new car and was/is fastidious about how he/she cares for their cars.
We have very few police. It's a matter of money. After all the cutbacks, people started to drive irresponsibly. One day a small car pulls in behind me and suddenly races past me at an excessive speed. Very frightening! My thoughts at the moment....where is a policeman when you need one? But it was my lucky day.
A few miles up the road is the irresponsible driver with his car smashed up in the ditch.
Hwy 99. Hwy 99 wanders around this area. It has all the old architecture of the old city before I-5 was created to the East. Stately old warehouses and grain elevators, old centennial ranch houses can be seen. Slower than the freeway and much more scenic.