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Kansas City, MO Driving Tips and Experiences
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Kansas City, MO
One tip to driving in Kansas City would definitely be watch out for the potholes. Seems the mayor has the ability to handle all of those expensive expanding and light rail contracts but not the safety updates our side streets currently badly need. Sorry about that but beware.
Craigslist or autotrader.com seem to be the best way to find for sale by owner vehicle S around here. Dealer cars concerning used vehicles I would look into whomever your dealing with 's track record. Kansas Citians are very vocal when something is amiss. And I would definitely look online at reviews first. A lot of predatory lending in the used car world period. Concerning a newer auto purchase I would go to an auction, CarMax is in our area and they do auctions monthly. Also there is a very reputable Chevy dealer located at 103rd and Holmes.
One of my favorite memories of driving in Kansas City would have to be the time I was able to take out a 86' Monte Carlo. We did doughnuts down Rock hill. It was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life. With someone I was truly falling for by my side, made the moment all that more memorable. I loved having fun zipping around in that rambler of a car. The sound system was also amazing. The entire car would vibrate to the beat of the music playing. If you have never let yourself feel that I encourage you to it is amazing. A little loud, but amazing. I loved how the car felt when you sat down. Immediately a sense of overwhelming passion and excitement in my love of muscle cars. And knowing you have all that power at your fingertips is priceless and amazing at the same time.
Ward Parkway. My favorite road to drive in Kansas City would have to be Ward Parkway. I love to take a drive from my home in Waldo area out to the plaza. If you want to you can make your route as scenic as you wish. I prefer beautiful houses and landscaping on Ward Parkway. Heading from 75th to the lower numbers on the plaza. You are able to view homes within the price range of blue collar workers all the way to the homes of the wealthy. The homes are somewhat of a goal to look forward to with hard work and dedication to saving and investments. I love to turn on my favorite music playlist and take a drive down fantasy lane. And I must say driving down fantasy lane would have to be one of my favorite pastimes. From driving a car I could hardly stand to more than likely owning one of the more historical Ward Parkway homes would be a dream, and no matter what car, it is always worth driving that way. Then in the winter months you have the ability to see all of the homes decorated for the special season and the lights you see while driving through that area and into the lights is spectacular and definitely worth the drive.
Kansas City, MO
Beware, it is said (by people from Missouri) that drivers from Johnson County, Kansas (you'll see the JO on the KS license plate) drive rudely and fast. And they say we from Missouri drive too slow. Just be nice, wherever you're from and wherever you're going.
Nolan Road used to be the place to drive and see all the dealers, but anymore they are scattered all over the city. KS has Aristocrat motors, Missouri has Tiffany Springs, and there are many, many other places.
Some of my favorite memories of driving in Kansas City were when I was in high school and would explore downtown, away from the familiar safety of my Northland neighborhood. My friends and I would pile into my car (buckled up, of course...even before it was the law) and I would drive my older but much-loved car downtown in the evening, watching the lights and sights and feeling liberated as soon as we crossed the well-lit Paseo bridge. We felt grown-up and mature, like we were getting away from the mundane lifestyle of the Suburbs...why weren't all the kids at school driving on the colorful, interesting streets? While they were all back "north of the river" at parties, we were exploring our world...or at least as far as we could go before curfew. Driving down Midtown, viewing the people and things we couldn't find 3 miles to the North of where we now were, exploring Grand and Main street, past the Liberty Memorial and then the Country Club plaza, feeling like we were wise beyond our years for getting out of the suburbs and exploring the streets of downtown KC...even if it was for just a few hours here and there.
Cliff Drive.. Cliff drive is magnificent! In the 'olden days', people drove there in horse-drawn carriages and it must have been quite the display. The road curves and turns, hugging the cliffs overlooking the Missouri below. Little nooks in the road jut off into the wall where watering holes were carved out for horses to take a drink, tired from pulling well-dressed men and women as they went to the spot to be seen. It is now (reportedly) a little sketchy and there are rumors it's not safe to go there due to criminal activity, but every once in a while I dismiss those ideas and just drive along Cliff Drive like my dad used to take us.