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Top Dealers In Norfolk, VA
Montpelier, Vermont
Twin City Subaru Berlin
2011 Subaru 1087
When i lived in Vermont and purchased the car, we were able to get a good trade in for our old car. We were also able to get a National Ski Patrol Discount as well as Subaru offers some type of deal. They also called periodically to remind us of tune ups and recalls at the very beginning. The calls stopped after a set period of time.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Automax Sales Inc Virginia Beach
2003 Saturn 1835
The sales person was so friendly.
I was in and out in no time.
They made sure that I got a car that was in my price range and suitable for my needs.
The prices are reasonable.
They fixed whatever needed to be fixed before I brought the car
Norfolk, VA Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Norfolk?
Norfolk, VA
If you are coming to the city of Norfolk, VA be prepared to drive to most major locations. Cars are common place here. While public transportation is frequently used, car travel is very much favored.
There are little places like 7/11 or a Rally's restaurant that you will find in your backyard and for the most part you could live walking. But to enjoy the city and really meet your needs, vehicle travel is recommended.
I have bought and sold multiple used cars online. There are good deals that just keep getting better.
If you are looking to lease a car with a car note, that would be most wise unless you can purchase a good quality car outright. When looking to lease, it's very easy. We have great, friendly dealerships at every turn and on every street. Norfolk is car king and you will be able to find just what works for you!
My favorite memory from driving in my city is driving down military highway past IHOP and feeling the breeze and sun on my skin. Around 5 o'clock rush hour you will most likely always find bumper to bumper traffic to be common. On the times outside of rush hour things (including the highways) are very efficient. I wouldn't say there are commonly times when traffic is really not there; because we live in the city, you are always going to have traffic around. Most of the times it is bearable and you can often breeze through the streets without too much concern - beware though, an intersection is up ahead lol.
Tidewater Drive. Tidewater drive is one of my favorite roads to travel in my city because it is a long road that will take you past so many different important locations along the way. When traveling on Tidewater Drive there are many sights and major intersections you will come across. When I travel on this road it is often like going back in history. I grew up in an area on one end of this one road and as I grew older, migrated to a different area of the city that touches this same road. Tidewater Drive is iconic.
Norfolk, VA
Be ready to be cut off by other drivers! Traffic can be heavy so there is a lot of lane switching. Do NOT drive more than a few miles under the speed limit - it has a pretty negative impact on other travelers.
There are several dealerships for almost all makes in the area. Make sure you use CarFax if going for a used car - because of the interstate and high traffic, used cars have probably been abused! I'm not aware of any infrastructure for electric cars so stick with gas powered and go for high gas mileage.
WOW! Every time I drive through here, I remember 15 years ago moving home from college. I was in my car, a 5 speed Mustang GT 5.0 At the time, following my brothers driving a U-Haul semi. Traffic was light to moderate and they were flying in the U-Haul. I guess that's more about the time in my life than the driving experience. I was much younger still had thoughts of being invincible.
Interstate 64. Once you're able to get to the Interstate, you can really move. It can be difficult to get to the interstate though - traffic is always backed up and rush hour seems to take up most of the day. The road itself is not in great condition, but there are up to 5 lanes so you are able to move around slower moving cars and really make up time. After all of the stoplights and traffic to get to the interstate, you finally feel like you are getting somewhere. My daughter and I are generally on our way somewhere fun - vacation or shopping - so it's nice to finally feel like we are getting somewhere.