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Lynchburg, VA Driving Tips and Experiences
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Lynchburg, VA
Avoid Wards road. It is always very busy and traffic is bumper to bumper. It's the main road that most Liberty University kids use to get around.
There are many car dealerships in Lynchburg. The one to stay away from is J.D. Byrider. They are a rip off!!! The other dealerships are great to work with.
My favorite memory of driving in Lynchburg is riding down the road and watching the fireworks go off at the city stadium. It's such an amazing sight to see all the beautiful colors flashing in the sky as you're riding down the road. My son was in the back seat watching them and saying "Look daddy boom booms!" I'll never forget that night. I found a spot to pull over so we could watch them together.
Candlers Mountain Road. When you're driving on this road you're going over a mountain and the view is wonderful. You can see the whole city from there. At night time the city looks like a Christmas tree.
Lynchburg, VA
Most of the exit and entrance lanes are very short, please pay attention at all times when merging!
Property taxes are extremely high on new cars.
I used to work for the university in the area and I got to drive people around on tours and pick them up from the airport when they came to visit from out of state or even out of the country. I got to meet so many interesting people driving them around and telling them about our great city and university!
Blue Ridge Parkway. It's always so scenic. Each season is unique and provides something extra to look at. You can stop at almost any point on the stretch and take pictures, buy apple butter from local merchants, and more!