1 Dodge Neon results
Yadkinville, North Carolina
Good car for the price
The thing that I like the most about my vehicle is its size. It is small and compact enough that I can maneuver it in tight spaces, but it is not so small that I feel like I am driving a clown car. It has adequate trunk space, which is a plus for when I go on vacation with my friends as we have a lot of baggage. I like the fact that the back seats fold down to access the trunk. This is very helpful in transporting materials like long pieces of wood. I have found that I can fit 10' 2X4's which has been very useful. One of my least favorite things about the car is how low the front end is to the ground. I like a car that is slightly higher up as this one tends to scrape on bumps that are too high. Although, it is not so low that it would be considered a low rider. It gets fairly average gas mileage for its size. Although, it was made before average mileage became the focus that it is today. While it doesn't have all of the amenities that I would like, that is because I bought it used so I was unable to pick out the exact amenities that I would have chosen. Overall, it has been a reliable vehicle.
Topeka, Kansas
Fun little car
I have been driving this car for about seven years now. It seems a lot like a bigger version of a go kart. While I have kept up on oil changes I have not done them as often as I should have. It has shown very little wear on the engine it seems and is still running at over 170,00 miles. I use this car for mostly city driving and get about twenty-two miles per gallon. This is the car I use to get to work and take my son places.