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Principales Concesionarios En Denver, CO
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Denver, CO Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Denver?
Denver, CO
The main tip I ALWAYS give other drivers, especially new ones, in the city, is to try your best to work your way up to driving during rush hour. Don't start out your first day driving, by going out when every ones going to work or coming home from it, just because they'll make you want to pull your hair out and makes you nervous about driving. Another tip I give drivers is that eventually you will learn when is a smart time to try and take the side/back roads and whens the best time to take the interstate.
In this city, for buying a car, the best advice I can give you, is to go to a name brand dealer. We have so many car dealerships here that aren't name brand and always seem to have the cheapest cars, but there is a reason they are that cheap. Most of them have major underlying problems that might not arise until it's too late. If you feel you can't afford a used car from a dealer, your next best bet, is to keep an eye open as you travel around the city and to heavily watch craigslist. I found my second car while I was visiting a friend at their apartment, and ending up only paying $2000 for a 1996, that only needed it's oil changed, and ran freaking fantastic after that.
My favorite memory from driving in Denver, CO, is a tough one to choose from. With as many vehicles and people are the roads as there are, makes it hard to have a genuinely good experience. One that does stick out to me in particular, since it wasn't terrible, occurred about a week ago. I was leaving my job to go pick up my boyfriend at his job, that is only 15 minutes away in good traffic. (We tend to carpool to help cut down on the amount of vehicles on the road). Anyways, I was on my way to get him, and was getting on to I-70 from Havana. Normally the on ramp is packed so much that people's vehicles are stuck out in the intersection, but that day, I pulled up and was the only one getting on at the time. It made it very easy to merge on to the interstate since I didn't have anyone in front of me stopping for no good reason. Once I was on the interstate, it too was in really great condition. Normally, it's packed all four lanes and stop and go, making it hard to get to the lane you need. That day though, I was able to merge on, get two lanes over and still go over the speed limit and not stop. It was pretty magical.
I-270 / US-36. This is my favorite road to drive on because, it starts out going towards downtown Denver, and then slowly curves outwards from it. Which in turn gives you a great view of downtown from a distance allowing you to see all the buildings in all their glory. Plus the road is curvy, and I really enjoy driving fast on curves! HA!
Denver, CO
I would give yourself plenty of time to get anywhere you want to go. It has become very congested as far as traffic in Denver and my 30 min Google map commute regularly takes 45 min. To an hour. Some of the major problem sites in Denver include 6th avenue, I25, I70, and Santa Fe. These are all pretty major roads and highways, so your best bet is just to give plenty of time to get where you want to go. It can be very frustrating and a bad experience if you cut it too close as you will find yourself late quite often.
I would choose a car that does decent in the snow. We have a lot of sunny days and the snow usually doesn't stay on the roads too long, but the morning drive can be pretty rough if it snows the night before. I am not necessarily saying that you need a 4 wheel drive vehicle, but it is nice to have. If you plan on going up to the mountains in the winter you can get away with FWD, but we always take the 4 wheel drive vehicle we have and I think this is best practice. It will make your life easier both in town and the mountains when it does snow. I would say at the bare minimum you need to make sure you have decent treads on your tires. I get around alright in a Honda Civic Hybrid in the winter, but find it pretty stressful and have had very slippery, slow starts at many lights as a result of only having two wheel drive.
I learned to drive in this city and I think that would be my favorite memory. I do not have any specific examples of where I have really enjoyed a memory from driving here. I really like this city, so all of my favorite driving memories are more related to it having been in this city. I am very happy having driving as a resource to drive around Denver, but I do not really enjoy driving in general and see it more as a means to get there than something where I create many memories. In the end I would say my favorite memory is significant driving milestones that have happened in Denver, and specifically learning to drive and seeing the city.
South Platte Canyon Rd.. This is the road that I live off of and a very beautiful road in general. It is lined with lots of trees, beautiful homes and the mountains are within eyesight to the west. It is a pretty suburban street and there is usually not too much traffic. It also has a 45 mph speed limit for much of it making a very quick, easy, relaxing ride. I also like the bike path that runs alongside and the various ponds that you can see on either side of you.