15 Dodge Charger resultados
York, Pennsylvania
Pretty satisfied.
My Charger is an extremely good-looking car that fits with the type of aesthetic I prefer in a car's body style. I love modern cars that have a resemblance to old '70s muscle cars. The two-toned leather seats and dash design make it a very attractive interior as well. It is a very spacious car, which someone like myself needs. I have children and am most often carrying lots of things along for the ride wherever I go. It is not the most economic on gas, so I have to spend more than I would like on fueling it, but I guess that is the price to pay to have a high horse power engine and the car that I love. Another thing I absolutely do not like is that the model I bought is a rear-wheel drive only. It handles quite terribly in snow and heavy rain, and if I ever bought another charger or any other car for that matter, I would choose a front-wheel drive, or more ideally, an all-wheel drive model. I also hated that it is a closed transmission system, and I cannot check or add any transmission fluids without taking it to a Dodge dealership. The mechanics are more inconvenient than the average car when repairs or parts are needed. All in all, I really like driving my Charger. It is roomy, comfortable and looks great.
Jay Geill
Pennington, New Jersey
No Challenge to Work With
I needed a tough, gritty vehicle that could help me with my performance on the job. I needed something rugged, something that could endure even the toughest conditions. Well, I found this Challenger. I bought it used, figuring that it was the shot, and I think I made the right choice. The car can take a lot of punishment while still looking great. The car I have is years old and still doesn't miss a beat. If you're in the market for a brand new car and want something with a little oomph, definitely consider this.