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Mount Dora, Florida
Amazing and Fuel Efficient
I love my 2012 Hyundai Accent. It gets anywhere from 32 to 41 miles per gallon, which is one of the reasons that I purchased it. I wanted a car that didn't have any perks, just a basic model. And with that basic model, I have enjoyed it fully! The radio works great, and there is room for an auxiliary cord and USB port. Also, it has a CD player. So the basic model included those things, which was pretty impressive. I went through the Hyundai dealership, and there was an issue with the way they tested for the fuel efficiency. Although the fuel efficiency has met or exceeded standards, I get a prepaid credit card for miles driven because of this issue. I love the dealership as well, because they give me oil changes and maintenance, and they are always very nice. The car is comfortable, and I like the interior. It's a four door with no tint, the interior lighting is great, and the trunk is very spacious. The headlights are awesome, both low and high beams. It can get going pretty quickly too, for a four cylinder!
Big Rapids, Michigan
It gets me where I need to go, most of the time.
I bought the vehicle used so I'm not sure if my review will be accurate or not. Probably not as it was no longer in the best shape. What I like best about it is the gas mileage. I regularly drive at least 20 miles a day, and only have to fill it about once in 2 weeks. That is the best gas mileage I have gotten of any car I have owned. I like the hatchback style because I deliver newspapers, and it's convenient to store and haul them in. There is no CD player in it, that was a drawback. Also, it has air conditioning capability, but the air no longer works. It is a manual transmission, which, again, is good for MPG rating, but something about the shifting gears is off. I'm not sure how to explain it, it just feels like the gears are rubbing against something inside, and it doesn't shift freely. I also wish it had cruise control, but then I guess it would have to be automatic. If they had an automatic option, I might even purchase a second one in the future, because I love the size/style of it. I'd like the next one to be in a brighter color though, as mine is boring silver-gray:( I'd love a tilt steering wheel and power windows, doors, etc. But that's what I get for buying a 15 year old vehicle!
Centennial, Colorado
Arapahoe Hyundai Centennial
2017 Hyundai 1058
It was okay. They were very friendly, but I could feel they were trying to screw us because we are women.
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