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Memphis, Tennessee
Shoddy Construction
I bought a VW New Beetle because I always wanted to own one. We needed a new car and we were able to obtain a certified pre-owned vehicle at a great price. We felt that because it was certified pre-owned, the warranty would protect us from any problems that might come up. We were dead wrong. After we had the car for several months we had to take it into the dealership for some maintenance. They had to remove the front bumper and re-attach it. That is when all the problems started. The front bumper was held on by a combination of clips and other parts. Shortly after we got the car home we went over a speed bump pulling into the parking lot. Upon exiting the vehicle the bumper started to come off in one place. It appeared that one of the clips came undone. We took it in and they claimed they fixed it. That didn't actually happen. A couple weeks later the bumper started to come off again and then when I was driving on the freeway half of the bumper suddenly came undone and slid under the car at freeway speeds. I was able to get off of the road safely and one of the Department of Transportation Stranded Motorist vehicles came by and he was able to remove the bumper and put it in the back of the car. We went back to VW and told them what happened. They claimed we caused all the problems and refused to fix the vehicle under warranty. I will NEVER buy a VW again.
St. Petersburg, Florida
Cute car, horrific repair bills.
The story begins when my father passed away and I inherited his Saturn sedan. This was during the great parts recall; Saturn was so back logged and I was so uncomfortable driving the car that I opted to trade it for something else. I got a cream colored VW Beetle. She was cute, personable, and spacious, especially for a small car.
The car did great for a while. Then the repairs started. It seems that the entire car is plastic. It is made fairly well but when something goes out a part cannot be replaced -- the entire unit must be replaced. I found myself spending about $500 - $1000 per repair (including the boot covers and axles). Not all mechanics work with the VWs either, since they require special diagnostics equipment.
Going beyond that, the next issue that I have is with the passenger headlight. It keeps going out. It seems that VW makes a poor wiring system and that it's common enough for these headlights to go out. My mechanic(s) -- three of them now -- have managed to cobble things together but after the 6th time that the headlight has gone out I find myself most likely looking at replacing the part. I quiver at the expense.
I have also been told my brakes are near the time to be replaced -- another $900 bill coming up. I know, it's wear and tear.
It seems that most of the plastic parts fall apart or break. I have had to replace several interior parts that have broke (and they are not treated roughly). Currently, the arm rest is stuck in the up position. Nothing I do seems to bring it down.
So.....yes, there is convenience in having to only change the oil once a year (that's what the dealer said). She's cute. She's comfortable. I can transport a passenger comfortably. I can fit a heck of a lot in the trunk/back seat area.....but it's a constant struggle to justify keeping the car against the expense of maintaining the car.
I have an even older Mazda Miata (1996) who is not only better built, but also easier to maintain. Repairs on her are also considerably less.
Sterling, Colorado
Stanley Motors Sterling
2003 Volkswagen 1667
I had purchased a truck from them before and the dealer remembered my name and last purchase. He worked with me on the price and I got exactly what I wanted. Very laid back and easy to work with.
Englewood, Colorado
The Sharpest Rides Englewood
2008 Volkswagen 1656
I liked this dealership for many reasons. Their prices were fair. The salesmen were very easy to negotiate with and allowed us to test drive as much as we wanted. The cars were in very nice condition, especially for vehicles in Colorado.