9 Honda Accord results
Columbia, Maryland
A beast of a car after all these years
Have owned my Accord for over a decade now. Bought it used in 2001 and have driven it ever since. Over 250,000 miles and still going strong. Would love to get it over the million mile mark. Not the sleekest car, but slow and steady wins the race. It's been a dependable car and is easy to maintenance yourself if you are inclined to do so. That's where the real value in owning one is, replacement parts are affordable, readily available and are not as difficult to install as in other car brands especially European ones.
Forest Park, Georgia
My Accord is pretty doggone good!
My 1998 Accord was bought used two years ago. There have been some dings to its' surface; the rubber lining in the rear passenger door has come off. But it has been a reliable car for driving, to say the least. Such issues as I've had regarded stuff that needs work with age anyway. Problems with the air conditioner, the compressor, the radiator, and the CV axles have never yet prevented the car from conveying me where I wanted to go. It is also easy to do most repair jobs on the car myself, for which I am grateful. Believe me, I've had less trustworthy cars. Additionally, it has only taken a little maintenance to maintain the mph of around 26 mpg since I bought the car. The engine's mileage responds nicely to additives like fuel injector cleaners and octane boosters. And now, I realize that most of what I've written must seem rather negative. But that's not the case, because I'm not writing about a new car. This has been an excellent vehicle for me and my family.