54 Toyota Yaris results
Hanford, California
Toyota cars are top shelf fresh quality, they will last a lifetime!
I really enjoy my car Yaris. I barely paid any money for it. I paid around six grand for my car, and it was one of the models that were basic and the one they test drove. I got a lot of money off, and saved a lot. I was always looking for a Toyota because Toyotas are great quality cars. I noticed right off the bat things I did not want. With my budget and being a college student, it was one of the two on the lot in my price range. I only commute to college and have had it for ten years now and have never had a problem with it. I save so much money on fuel. I get so much further if I do decide to venture off and go to the beach and save so much money than all my friends. I do not like that I have a very basic one CD player. I have roll down windows only, they are not electric. I also wish the seatbelts were more comfortable. I have a problem with no arm rests. I knew it wasn't going to be a comfortable car to sit in. I was right, these seats feel really uncomfortable and over time they are almost ripped up. I so not like that it is white, but it was the only one I could get at the time. That was the only color they had. My car is white, so it gets dirty easy and looks dirtier faster than other cars on the road.
Edgewood, New Mexico
Perfect Commuter Car
Immediately after purchasing my 2007 Toyota Yaris I drove it across the country from Vermont to New Mexico. I've driven a lot of cars and this is one of the most comfortable for long distances. It performed flawlessly (and has continued to do so past 100,000 miles). The gas mileage is amazing (42 mpg highway) and makes it perfect for someone like me who drives a lot. I did run into issues with snow and ice in the winter as the car is front wheel drive, however it is surprisingly tough for a little car. Now that I live in a large city the small size of the Yaris is perfect for traffic, although my dogs would appreciate a little more room. People who get in my car for the first time comment about the gauges being in the middle and think it's odd, but I think it's pretty cute.