25 Toyota Yaris results
Oak Park, Illinois
Great car for economical drivers
The 2011 Toyota Yaris is a smart car for economical drivers who want to save on gas and mileage. Easily achieving at least 33 miles to the gallon if not more with highway driving, this car is an excellent purchase for saving money. Comfortable for most passengers, the Yaris is also easy to maintain and care for.
Buffalo, New York
Its inexpensive and fun to drive. It can fit in any parking spot too.
The Yaris is a great car to have in the city. Because it is compact you can really get around a lot of the problems some larger cars have. The way you can park a Yaris is one of its best features if you live in a big city. When there are seemingly no more parking spaces for anyone else the Yaris is small and compact enough to park in those very small space you see in between cars. The Yaris is also great for gas mileage. It gets about 35 miles to the gallon which is fantastic. And its very light so it actually sometimes gets more. The look of the car is cuter than sporty, but I would actually argue that it has a more appealing design than many of the larger cars on the road. And it looks less generic too. My Yaris is a very sporty red with a hatchback, and I take it everywhere. It is always dependable and I've never had to bring it in to the shop for repairs, at least not internal repairs. Occasional bumper crack, which by the way, is one of the worst features about the car. The bumper cracks if it hits anything. I've had to take the car in twice for a cracked bumper. And it should be mentioned that there is a small window in the back, just above the back seat windows, that can be punched out by a robber very easily, which has happened to me numerous times. Other than that though I would say its one of the most fun cars I've ever had.