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Baton Rouge, LA Driving Tips and Experiences
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Baton Rouge, LA
Wear your seatbelt. We have some commuter challenges in the city, and traffic is always heavy, and often frantic. Our new governor plans to work closely with the city engineers to finally bring some sanity to our huge growth problem and probably consider, once again, a loop around the city to ease some of the congestion on our inner city streets. Hurricane Katrina is responsible for most of our population bloom. Baton Rouge was the closest big city to the catastrophe, and some who originally arrived for temporary shelter, simply stayed. Just be careful out there!
We have a CarMax, and Truecar operates in several of our big dealerships.
Baton Rouge is still, in many ways, still demonstrative of "the old South." Many of its downtown streets are thin, winding scenic routes down rows and rows of old refurbished "shotgun" houses. Each is now colorfully rendered in stand-out hues (blue and peach are favorites). All are mostly inhabited now by law firms full of newly graduated plaintiff attorneys. Part of it is known as "Spanish Town," and is the sight of a blow-out Mardi Gras parade that is always the hit of the season. I'm pretty sure the word "quaint" was created just to describe this lovely part of our town.
Highland Road. Highland Road is a long, two-lane, blacktop road that runs from downtown Baton Rouge all the way out to the southern most part of the city. It begins fairly plain, then morphs into this long, winding scenic trip through the most gorgeous string of old, moss-covered Live Oaks you've ever seen. Each one, with its low-hanging, hairy green branches is a work of sculptural art. Then there are the old homes nestled in between them to complete a picture of old south charm.
Baton Rouge, LA
Be careful of other drivers. People in Louisiana tend to not pay attention to other drivers on the road and will take every opportunity given to speed past you. When you head west of Baton Rouge, towards Lafayette, you will most likely encounter a lot less drivers due to these cities being so far apart and due to the fact that it is a very rural area. These tips may help you stay safer on the road and make it to your destination without damage to your vehicle or to yourself.
There are many new and used car dealerships that offer good prices, but the Used Honda lot of Siegen Rd has some of the best choices you will find for the price! Many customers only see the Fiat lot next to it and don't realize that there are many more choices than buying a new Fiat at this lot. I would suggest looking up reviews for dealerships around the city, especially for the dealership that I previously mentioned in this answer.
My favorite memory from driving in Baton Rouge is from when I first moved to this city. Me and my friends, Robbie and Alora, would just joyride around, smoking cigarettes and eating fast food. It was a blast for a young guy from a small town.
Highland Rd.. This is one of my favorite roads to drive on because this is a very high-end part of town with many wealthy residents. Most of the houses are large and absolutely beautiful. I love driving by them just to look at the beautiful homes. It also has the LSU campus, which is enormous and also a gorgeous sight.