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Top Dealers In Aurora, IL
Aurora, Illinois
Valley Honda Aurora
2011 Honda 862
Very friendly staff with competitive offers for the vehicle and servicing after purchase
Aurora, Illinois
Max Madsens Aurora Mitsubishi
2014 Mitsubishi 1798
Despite clearly being quite busy the people working were so kind and patient with all of our questions and concerns and very helpful guiding us through the paperwork of the purchase.
Aurora, Illinois
Valley Honda Aurora
2012 Honda 862
Friendly service and they were patient. They were not pushy sales people.
Aurora, Illinois
Valley Honda Aurora
2012 Honda 862
They have a great selection of used cars and many different colors.
Aurora, Illinois
Max Madsens Aurora Mitsubishi
2004 Mitsubishi 1808
Because the deal was rather quick to be made. Has excellent mileage and while it may have been an older vehicle it's one that has been very reliable.
Aurora, IL Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Aurora?
Aurora, IL
There are a ton of places to explore. While Aurora does have a negative reputation- the area is worth exploring- and does not deserve this bad reputation. There are great stores and restaurants all around whether its on the east side near Naperville or the west side near Batavia and Geneva.
There are car dealers everywhere. Shop around and ask for the best deal. Don't just accept the first offer you see. There are dealers in Naperville, Aurora, North Aurora, and Oswego. Check them all.
I am a person who loves to drive. My family and I love to get in the car and drive around the town. We turn left or right - we ask the kids for their thoughts and we end up wherever the ride takes us. We explore and check out new stores and restaurants. It is a lot of fun and we try to find new places with each adventure.
My wife and I have been doing this for years- all the way back when we were in college. We would drive through small towns and find diners to explore and towns to check out..
Orchard/Randall Road. There are a ton of good food and stores along that stretch of road. We can pretty much find everything we need there. There's always new stores or restaurants in that area.
Aurora, IL
Always be aware of your surroundings. There are a lot of people in this city and that always means a potential for an accident. If you try and avoid rush hour it'll greatly improve your overall driving experience.
Be sure to check prices and locations of cars online before you go shopping. There are a lot of car dealers in this area so they will do anything to make a sale. Only go to dealerships that have good online reviews because some of them are really shady businesspeople. Be confident and don't let them force you into a sale you aren't comfortable with.
My favorite memory from driving in this city is driving to work in the morning when there's fog over everything. There's both downtown and rural areas to the city and seeing both of those in a mist is always really breathtaking. In the mornings when the sun is shining through the fog is one of the best times of day. Its really peaceful.
Butterfield Road. This is my favorite road to drive because it is open and you see all different kinds of scenery on it from farms to buildings to houses. Everything you could ever need is along this road so you really don't have to drive anywhere else.