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Top Dealers In Joliet, IL
Joliet, Illinois
Bill Jacobs Auto Joliet
2006 Pontiac 1672
I really liked the guy we bought the car from. Although a car salesmen, he was respectful and funny. It was a lot better than being constantly chased or bombarded to buy now.
Joliet, IL Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Joliet?
Joliet, IL
The best tip I could give to anyone driving in Joliet is to watch out for the other drivers. They are not always paying attention to what they are doing, and at times will just veer into your lane. So, be careful out there, and everywhere for that matter.
I'm really not sure what to tell you all on this question. The dealership which I purchased my vehicle at is not there anymore. So, I guess one could try something like Autotrader, or Ebay. Like I said, I am just not sure anymore.
I remember the first time I drove around Joliet. I was looking for a Mercury Dealer that had the car I wanted to purchase. I discovered a Boston Market restaurant where I stopped to have some lunch, and ask where I might find this dealership I was searching for. They laughed a little, and said it was right across the street. I turned around and there it was, big as life itself. How could I have missed it. I drove by the restaurant twice and still did not notice the Mercury Dealer right there. I felt pretty silly. All was good though. I got the car I wanted, and at a good price as well.
Larkin Ave.. There are plenty of stores to pick-up anything I might need or want on Larkin Ave. Also many restaurants to choose from if you're hungry or just want a little snack. Some places are like a Bar & Grill, so you can even have a cocktail with your snack or meal.
Joliet, IL
My advice is to take it easy and just enjoy the drive. Slow down and appreciate your surroundings. From the rivers to the open fields of wildflowers and nature, just relax and take it all in.
There are a lot of car dealerships you can go to in this area if you wish to buy a car. You can find almost anything, new or used, possibly for a reasonable price. If you want to search online, craigslist and autotrader.com are both viable options.
My favorite memory of driving in this area is driving through the nearby state park throughout the changing seasons. Seeing the vibrant reds and oranges of the trees surrounding me in the fall never failed to brighten my day. Then a couple short months later, seeing those same trees covered in snow and ice after a fresh snowfall in the winter always made me smile. It felt so immersive and peaceful, as if I was a part of nature itself.
Route 71. It's great because there are long, open stretches of straight road, which is nice for relaxing. And then there are also twists and curves for when you want to be more engaged in the drive. The scenery is also lovely.