967 Pacifica Hybrid results
Top Dealers In Bridgeport, CT
Fairfield Mitsubishi
2010 Mitsubishi 1814
The customer service was fantastic and they have performed quality, affordable work on the car since my purchase.
Bridgeport, CT Driving Tips and Experiences
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Bridgeport, CT
Don't use your cell while driving and always use your signal and don't blow your horn at others cars because you might end up getting shot or beat up
Best place to go use car dealership. Lots of them got good cars at good prices like the one on corner of state street and seemed street. Always take someone who knows bout cars to lots of them will run you one
It would be driving around seaside parks during an electric storm. It's so awesome watching the storm from the beach of seaside park. You see the wave crashing on the rocks and also you will see the lighting reflect from the ocean.
It would be park avenue. It's great because it's real long stretch. Also smooth road. You could be driving at 25mph and your liable to fall asleep. It's like 5 to 15 miles long roads Far as I had went
Bridgeport, CT
I'd tell other drivers to watch for pedestrians. I have begun to notice that the people that live here do not know what a crosswalk is.
Go to a dealer outside the city for a better deal.
I moved to the outskirts of this city in June, and I work in the heart of the city. My favorite memory of driving in this city is the day that I moved here, the excitement of pulling up in a driveway and knowing that it is mine, and being so close to work that my car was so great on gas.
Boston Avenue. This road is my favorite to drive because it is my route to work. I love it because this is where I get my coffee to prepare for the overnight shift at my job.