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Principales Concesionarios En Duluth, MN
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Duluth, MN Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Duluth?
Duluth, MN
First, if you want to enjoy some areas, take some of the scenic drive areas. But if you are needing advice for just getting around, I'd recommend getting a paper map as well as knowing where you want to go and finding the best routes. Some of the common routes can get busy at rush hours, but there are loads of ways to get from point A to point B and sometimes longer routes make for a better drive. Read the signs everywhere and pay attention....There are some oddities for lane positions to be in and so on, which the locals are familiar with, but others might not be.
I guess a suggestion for buying a car in the city would narrow down to a few things. I highly recommend an automatic transmission, since some of the hills can be nasty, especially downtown, and sitting on an uphill waiting at a light with a manual transmission when the idiot behind you has pulled right up to your bumper can make things a bit hairy at times. So, an automatic is just safer in many respects. If you do have a manual transmission, you just have to *think* and drive smarter. Also...This is Duluth....We get snow and cold....You want to make sure your car is prepared for that. Whether it's just being able to operate in cold/snowy weather, or if it's that you want everything working well. You want a heater that works for sure. Good tires are a huge plus. Beyond some basics like that it's more up to your personal preference for what you'd buy.
There are a few enjoyable aspects to driving in the Duluth area. First, driving along the lakeside or up on the skyline areas where you can overlook the lake makes for a refreshing view and almost like a natural breath of fresh air spiritually. The city also has loads of parks, so driving through or near some of those affords plenty of *nature* on a constant basis. Sure, there are some annoying areas and roads, but there is a lot to enjoy in the area as well.
North Shore drive up out of the city is wonderful!. Driving up the north shore is an excellent way to enjoy the lake views and even stop for a nice bit along the lake and take in the air and water environment. Cannot overstate how wonderful that can be.
Duluth, MN
Not a terribly busy city to drive around in but keep your eyes on the road and traffic around you and try not to be distracted by the natural beauty of the city surroundings.
Summers are extremely nice but the harsh winters will require an AWD or 4WD capable vehicle.
Duluth has a lot of hills and is right on the shores of the west end of Lake Superior. From the top of the hills you can look out over the lake and see the lift bridge that ore freighters pass under and the two bridges that connect Minnesota to Wisconsin.
Trinity road. You start on this road after driving over one of the bridges coming from Wisconsin then you head up the hill where if you look back over your shoulder you will see the beautiful views that are provided by this hilly stretch of road.