5 Chevrolet Cavalier resultados
Chicago, Illinois
Compact and Economical
This vehicle is the ultimate seasonal buy. It is ideal for summer and fall weather conditions. Its extremely economical, comfortable, and is has a style that defies age. When considering this vehicle as a primary means of transport, a person must weigh in practicality. The very low body makes it difficult to travel in extreme weather conditions (especially if you live in a city with bridges, trains, and pockets of UN-level ground - where rain water or any water accumulates). When driving this vehicle - understand its limitations and always have a couple extra dollars to replace a fuel pump (or any other mechanical part that dysfunctions when wet or exposed).
Kansas City, Missouri
Reliable car with good gas mileage
The first thing that I really appreciated about my Chevrolet Caviler when I first bought it was how tight the turns seemed to be, in terms of parking my car in any space I wanted and making tight turns on neighborhood/residential roads. The next thing that I noticed about my car, which I had anticipated to be the case, was the good gas mileage I had. I could go farther on a quarter tank than I could on any other vehicle I owned. I also liked how I never experienced any problems with the vehicle even though it was older and had been used by a previous owner. Out of the cons I experienced, the main con would have to be the size of the car. If I ever wanted to bring friends anywhere or wanted to go on a road trip I would have to consider how small my vehicle was. I would have to sometimes move my seat up a little bit if someone wanted to sit behind me in my car. The final con could be how the size of the car would effect safety. I don't have any experience being in car crashes in the Cavalier but something tells me that another much bigger car hitting it could be cause for concern. Over all I was happy with my purchase considering the fact that I paid $1000 for it and it lasted me a few years. I probably also saved money by lowering the amount that I spend on gas each month. I was happy with my Chevrolet Cavalier.