23 Chevrolet Cobalt resultados
Mountain Home, Arkansas
The Cobalt is Legen...Wait for it...Dary!
When purchasing the Chevy Cobalt almost 9 years ago, I was looking for something a bit stylish and something that wouldn't make me go broke every time I filled up the gas tank. The gas mileage is exceptional even after putting around 140,000 miles on the vehicle. The body of the 2006 Cobalt appears to be very sturdy for the money paid. I have had a handful of small fender-benders, none resulting in much damage at all to the Cobalt or the other vehicle involved. Also, I have received many positive comments about the Cobalt's unique color (sort of a blue/gray color, not sure what the actual color is called). Although the vehicle is almost 9 years old, I have had no major mechanical issues and the electronics in the power locks, windows, and gauges work just as they did when the car was purchased. The performance is as expected with a 4-cylinder vehicle, but will not disappoint out on the open road. I love kayaking and thought I would never be able to haul my boat with me to various floats in the area. It holds up just fine with any adapter/aftermarket boat hauling kit.
Tifton, Georgia
Reliable small car, great first vehicle
It might seem silly, but I like the color of my car - it's a deep blue that stands out among the more basic car colors that are always popular. The car is so quiet, a quality I was not used to having previously been an SUV owner. Once, while parked, I tried to crank the vehicle a second time because it was so quiet I didn't realize it was already cranked and idling! The manufacturer sound system is amazing. Acceleration is nice, I love a vehicle that's ready to go when I am! The interior is pretty roomy, too, which is a good thing because I own a business that requires traveling to purchase and bring home lots of inventory. I once brought home three large bar stools which actually fit in the back seat! My family and friends are always amazed at the amount of stuff I can fit in my small car! Since traveling is mandatory, I'm also mindful of having a vehicle with good gas mileage. The cobalt also doesn't disappoint in this category either. It's been a great car, and 10 years later we are still going strong! I've had very few issues with the vehicle other than a couple of recalls on parts (ignition switch) but those were easily solvable situations. I think if I had any criticisms for the vehicle, it would be the quality of materials used on the interior. The fabric easily stains. All the interior trim work are cheap plastics that have been painted. The plastics chip and the paint scratches easily. These details can degrade the attractiveness of a vehicle very quickly. Ever gotten in a vehicle with someone who has a strange mystery stain on the seat and wondered what happened... or worse thought the person was dirty because of their car interior situation? Embarrassing!! Overall my vehicle has been reliable, and I have enjoyed owning it despite the few qualms I have with its design.