7 Kia Sorento results
Sherman, Texas
I dislike that it is hard to get repair parts for. I also dislike how much more I am charged to get things replaced. I had a 10 dollar tube cost me over 200 bucks because the entire engine had to be taken out just to put it in. What I do like though, it has lasted me over 10 years. It's a soft color and it rides very smoothly. She (yes, I dubbed my car a she and I call her Fefe) is very easy to handle. Everything about the car feels easy. There is a ton of space. Put those back seats down and you can have a small table and have a card game party back there. She has handled rough grounds before with ease. Snow though, that is a terrible thing. One layer of snow will ruin your whole work day. I couldn't get up this tiny little hill at my apartments with good tires. Had to have someone to come get me. Yeesh. She can take a couple of hits here and there. My teenager days were not flawless driving days. All in all though, this car is usually pretty reliable and able to go a good distance without needing gas. I think it fills up around 18 gallons. It's not terrible I s'pose. Tough ol' gal who keeps kicking and does her hardest to fight against most weather types. Would recommend this to many people.
Alafaya, Florida
Feel like a rich gal
Ever since I bought my SUV, I feel very comfortable. I can adjust the seats, enable cruise control, open the sun roof, and drive at over 70 mph in the highway. My car came fully loaded. So far, I have only taken the car to a shop for tire replacements, and radiator. Some of the features stopped working, but all other parts have worked fantastic. The bad thing is that it is pre-owned and there is a smoke smell in the A/C which is hard to get rid off. I would have liked for the A/C filter replacement to be much easier than it is. It is hard to remove the cabin as it is kind of stuck. Other than that, this car has been the best I've had. If I could by a newer one, I would choose the same make and model.