15 Kia Spectra results
Louisville, Kentucky
It is a very hefty car.
When I first purchased the car I noticed it would be a very good starter car for anyone. It is not that outdated and I have always had good connotation towards Kia. I prefer brands of cars that are not domestically made, as they are typically made way better. Here in the US we like to use loopholes and try to get the highest profit with sometimes not looking at the quality. The Kia Spectra I have is very durable, and is kind of sporty in a way. I mainly enjoy it for its gas mileage and efficiency. I can fill my tank up one day of the week and ride on it all week doing about 30 miles a day from my house to downtown doing a roundtrip. I really enjoy its size, especially since its a 4-cylinder but also because it's not as bulky as a full size sedan. It's small but it's not too small and it's not too big, it is the perfect size in my opinion. This car is perfect for anyone to practice in and I believe it is economy efficient. You save money whenever and wherever you use this car.
Millcreek, Utah
A reliable little car.
I've thoroughly enjoyed owning my little Kia Spectra for the last year or so. We had a bit of a scuffle with the radiator recently -- cost me a good chunk of change to replace when my mechanic discover it had cracked -- but it's been reliable and dependable. Right now, my car makes me the happiest when it warms up on these cold autumn mornings. And it warms up now because I got the radiator replaced.