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Top Dealers In Murfreesboro, TN
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Speedway Motors Murfreesboro
2003 Jaguar 1389
The price of the vehicle I bought was good. Also no hassle trade-in.
Murfreesboro, TN Driving Tips and Experiences
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Murfreesboro, TN
If at all possible avoid driving on Memorial Blvd. Any time of the day. That is probably the biggest mistake people make driving in Murfreesboro. If you take back roads that parallel Memorial you can get around at a decent speed. If you get on Memorial be prepared to sit for 15-20 minutes just to make it a few miles. Do not plan on going anywhere in Murfreesboro fast. While it seems like a very short distance on the map, it can be very deceiving. From where I-24 is on the west side of Murfreesboro to about a mile past Middle Tennessee State University on the east side of Murfreesboro is where Memorial Blvd. Is the absolute worst. There are way too many lights and way to much traffic for how few lanes there are. Also, there has been construction going on at Memorial and Broad for probably the last 5 years or so now. It's like they do construction to add on and accommodate the heavy volume of traffic, but by the time they finish that job the volume has increased enough that they have to begin construction again to be able to handle the new increased volume.
If you are needing to buy a car in this city Craigslist, as with probably every city, is going to be the cheapest way to go. However, if you are wanting to be able to shop around at used car lots that have decent priced cars then just drive down Broad St. They have a lot of dealerships that have cars priced decently. There are some big name dealerships on the road also that have cars that are priced outrageously high, but they're the giant dealerships and are easy to spot. In the heart of Murfreesboro is where are all of the expensive big name dealerships are. As you begin driving north on Broad St. Towards Smyrna, TN you begin to come to many smaller and cheaper dealerships. My wife and I looked at a lot of these dealerships when we were buying our last car. We found some good deals, just not quite the vehicle we were looking for. Every time we looked around the big name dealerships it didn't take long because the prices were so ridiculously high. Also, from what we noticed at the smaller dealerships they were much more willing to negotiate on the prices of the vehicles they were selling. The larger dealerships would barely budge at all. Cash rather than financing seemed to be key to lowering the price.
Murfreesboro, TN is a city that has been growing substantially over the last decade or two. While it is a college town in Tennessee with Middle Tennessee State University there, the largest attendance school in Tennessee, it also has areas just miles away that are still quite and serene. A friend of mine has a farm in Murfreesboro, TN. One of my favorite driving memories was when me and my friend started at the University and loaded up my kayaks into his truck. We drove from the heavy traffic and hustle and bustle of the University, just 4 or 5 miles to where the traffic died down and it was just quite winding road running beside the Stones River. The road took us to an area filled with farmland and cattle which is where my friends farm was. We dropped a car off there and then drove his truck with the kayaks back the way we came from just 6 or seven miles, through the traffic and back onto narrow country roads again to where we would put in the river for our kayaking trip. That one stretch of 6 or 7 miles of road goes from country road, right through the middle of the University and back to country road. It's the best of both worlds and a wonderful drive.
Jefferson Pike. While Murfreesboro, TN isn't a huge city, it's not a tiny town either. My friend has a farm that is in Murfreesboro, TN. We take the road Jefferson Pike almost the whole way from my house to his farm. Jefferson Pike never has traffic and it is a drive that reminds me of simple times. There are some nice parks that run along the lake along this drive. There is farmland regularly throughout the drive. There are old Churches and restaurants that have that old-timey feel to them. There is probably some nostalgia associated with the road to since we have been driving that road to get to his farm for the last 16 years. It's not a perfect drive, as you have to drive by the city dump also. But, there's something about that too that just seems to fit right into the country ways out there. It's the small town country feel of the road that makes it such a wonderful road to drive, especially since it's not in a very small town country area. It's also a great way to cut out some of the city if your main goal is to just get from point A to point B. It connects, or at least runs close to, many of the main roads in Murfreesboro, TN.
Murfreesboro, TN
Expect to sit through traffic lights for at least two cycles before getting through them. The light cycles are exceedingly short.
I haven't bought a car from Murfreesboro, but there are tons of dealers in the west Murfreesboro area (which is the newer, extended side of the city).
The first time I drove around after moving there, I was just driving to see what is where...What stores and restaurants we have, etc. I was so happy to see the huge variety of stores and restaurants in the city. I think I didn't actually go somewhere 'old' for several months after we moved in. Plus, interspersed with the bustling businesses, there are huge patches of undeveloped farmland. Beautiful balance.
Hwy 840. The first time I drove down Hwy 840 (a connector to other nearby towns), I got to truly see the beauty of the area I live in. The highway runs through mostly rural areas, full of farmland, livestock, trees, and hills/mountains. I actually found it hard to drive, because I was only interested in sightseeing out the window of the car. The Highway is cut through the hills and mountains, and is really a neat spot, because you can see all the striations in the rocks that were cut to put in the road. Very beautiful.