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Clarksville, TN Driving Tips and Experiences
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Clarksville, TN
It is best to stay off the road on Friday afternoons because the traffic is so horrible at this time. Saturday mornings and Sundays are the best times to be out and about.
Do not shop at Gary Matthews. They do not deal fairly. They will cheat you and all locals in Clarksville know it.
I was driving on Highway 76 on my way out of Clarksville, TN. I was still in the city limits, but yet I wasn't in the actual city. Highway 76 is very scenic. One of the residents along this highway grows a huge patch of sunflowers that are visible as you round a slight bend in the road. They are beautiful. This particular day I had just passed the patch of sunflowers when I noticed what looked like a dark colored squirrel crossing the road. It also appeared that the squirrel had some kittens following it across the road. I slowed down and stopped. I put on my glasses (I don't need them to drive, but I do use them to see smaller objects) and looked out my window. Crossing the road right in front of me was a mother skunk and six baby skunks. The babies followed the mother in a straight line just like little ducklings following a mother duck. The scene was so endearing. Cars stopped behind me and everyone enjoyed watching the skunks cross the road. It was such a pleasant experience.
Madison Street. Madison Street is my favorite street to drive in Clarksville, TN because it goes right through the downtown area. I grew up in Clarksville and this street passes all my favorite land marks. Schools, churches, old homes, and stores line Madison all the way to the downtown area which is close to the Cumberland River. It is a beautiful street and a beautiful drive.
Clarksville, TN
Be prepared for traffic!!!!!!! Clarksville is not a big city, but man... Even my sister who visited from Houston was complaining about our traffic. There are just a few main roads (Wilma Rudolph!) With most of the shopping and stores on that one road. Then there is just one main road that connects the city of Clarksville to Ft. Campbell - the army post (Tiny Town) I recommend avoiding those two roads at all costs during rush hour. Trenton should be avoided during hour, too. And probably 101st airborne division parkway. Your best bet is to just stay home between the hours of 4-6pm each day. Seriously, though... Wilma Rudolph on the weekends and during rush hour is awful. It is a parking lot during Christmas shopping season.
If you are military, there's no sales tax on cars in Tennessee. Also there are plenty of car dealerships, and we are so close to Kentucky. Make sure you check all dealerships, and check the price difference in taxes and such when it comes to buying in KY vs. TN.
My favorite memory from driving in Clarksville, TN is when we drive to the apple orchard / cider mill in the fall... I LOVE driving out into the country, seeing the leaves changing colors, smelling the tobacco leaves being smoked in the smokehouses, taking in the sights. It's beautiful!
Riverside Dr.. I hardly ever get over to that side of town, but I do enjoy driving on Riverside dr. It follows along the river for a little while near downtown, which is nice, and then no matter which direction you drive in away from downtown, goes into a nice country area.