23 Nissan Versa resultados
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Nissan Versa is Under Rated
I have had this Nissan Versa for several years now. But I was definitely hesitant to buy it based on the reviews I found--both online and in print. It drove well and we liked the looks. The best part was it was in our price range--probably due to all of those negative reviews. We decided to take a chance.
Temple, Texas
Very solid starter car!
I bought my vehicle used, and the first thing I was looking for (at 18 so I didn't really have many requirements) was that it had multiple cupholders, cloth seats, a lot of miles per gallon (28-31), and that it was cheap. It fit all those requirements, and I liked that about it. I've driven 40,000+ miles on it, and now as it sits at 143,000 miles, the only major repairs that I have had to do in four years was two spark plugs and oil changes. I like that after over ten years (age of the car), I can still get where I need to go without having to fork over thousands of dollars or have a ton of extra problems. My cousin has locked herself out of her car several times because hers auto-locks after a few minutes, so while its a decent safety feature, I appreciate that mine does not auto lock. Remembering my keys when I first got my car was something I was not used to. I also can adjust my side mirrors while sitting in the driver seat which is something my sisters car cannot do. The stereo and system works fine, and though the car is loud when the engine is running, it's not overly loud. I have taken naps in the car and its not the most comfortable, but it does the job! The things I don't like about it are one of the hub caps came off easily, and many people, myself included, report problems with the driver door handle. It should not come off as much as it does. It is not technologically updated with Bluetooth technology, though that is to be expected with a 2007 vehicle. I wish it had more miles to the gallon and that it had arm rests. My right arm used to hurt a lot when I first started driving it and still does if I haven driven a lot within a few weeks. I don't like the way the accelerate/break feels, but this is a personal preference. With the Cadillac I drive, I have to press hard on the gas, which allows me to relax my foot at a steady speed on whichever pad I'm pressing, whereas my car I have to always flex my foot/change my footing position all the time. Though as you get older, what you need in a car changes depending on your life style, so I would not get this if you like to help people move a lot or if you want to drive a trailer (you'd do better with a truck for these things) or if typically drive your kid's middle school soccer team for pizza and need a van, etc. But for college students or teen drivers, the car is perfect.