25 Honda Odyssey results
2003 Honda Odyssey OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana
My experiences with the Honda Odyssey
The 2003 Honda Odyssey van that we bought used is not a vehicle that I'd recommend to other buyers. It has some definite problems, starting with the ignition switch and starter. We had to replace both of those things last year because they key stopped turning in the lock, as the whole key assembly apparently wore out. This is a common problem with this make of vehicle, apparently. Also, even before we bought it my sister(who we purchased it from), had to replace the transmission because that went out on it almost immediately after they bought it. The vehicle sometimes has a bit of trouble starting, and the back latch on the hatch door has to be jiggered to even open. One person has to pull up and another has to hit the door unlock at the same time. It corners slowly and doesn't have a lot of pull or 'get up and go'. The frame doesn't seem very tight. Overall it's been fairly reliable, but the gas mileage isn't great and there are enough little problems that I wouldn't recommend this vehicle.
Wakefield-Peacedale, Rhode Island
Honda Odyssey is a workhorse
The 2003 Honda Odyssey is an excellent mini-Van. It is in my opinion the best mini-Van ever made. Nearing 300,000 miles this car has been through a lot and is still going. This is the car that I learned to drive in. It has been easy to maintain has proven to be very reliable