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Top Dealers In Lansing, MI
Lansing, Michigan
Spartan Toyota Lansing
2005 Mercury 1865
The dealers themselves were very kind and helpful, very insightful and knowledgeable. The selection was great and there were plenty of options to chose from. They weren't too pushy and really let me take my time to make a decision. It was a huge change of pace from your typical car dealership experience, and they really made me feel welcome.
Lansing, Michigan
Spartan Toyota Lansing
2005 Mercury 1865
They were incredibly friendly, and seemed genuinely interested in meeting my needs and expectations. They didn't seem to be just turning another sale like a lot of other dealers do, and asked a lot of questions about what I was looking for and didn't make me feel rushed or pressured. They were always smiling and seemed to truly care.
Lansing, Michigan
Spartan Toyota Lansing
1992 Saturn 1842
They find you deals
They give you good information about the car
The employees there are respectful
It's not far from my house
They are good about warranties
Lansing, MI Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Lansing?
Lansing, MI
Know where you are going. In some areas of Lansing, like downtown, it is extremely difficult to navigate in congested traffic if you do not know where you're going or don't have accurate directions. Give yourself enough time to get to where you are going. There are very busy roads with a lot of traffic, CATA buses, trains, etc that can add a lot of time to your travel if you don't know it.
There are several car dealerships in this area. That's probably where I would start. Most specifically deal with particular manufacturers, although several sell many different makes of car. I would probably choose a dealership by what kind of car I was looking for first, and by family or friends' recommendations on who to work with. Online research would probably be the most benefit if you were not familiar with what dealers were around here.
I don't really have a favorite memory from driving in Lansing. I have lived in this area my entire life so driving around is pretty routine. I suppose my favorite driving experience would be driving around the State Capitol. It is my favorite not because of the actual experience, because that actually was quite horrible since it was in drivers ed, but because of the memory of seeing the capitol building.
Waverly Rd.. It's my favorite because it is the road my parents live on. It's the one I'm most familiar with and know exactly where it goes. Since it has been repaired in several places it's much better than it was. The road conditions around Michigan are kind of horrible, and this road is no exception in some places, but it's not all bad.
Lansing, MI
Do not drive on 496 east during rush hour. It often is at a standstill or at the very least, backed up. Due to the many on/off ramps on this stretch, it can get very bogged down. People either drive way too fast or way too slow on this road.
I have never purchased a car in the city proper, but there are numerous car dealerships on Michigan avenue and on the west side of the city. Sundance car dealership is known to have a large selection, though I've heard they may have shady dealings. I would recommend searching online prior to searching in person. As I stated, there are many brick and mortar dealerships in and around the city.
My favorite memory from driving in Lansing, Michigan is driving down 496 and viewing the downtown skyline in the evening during Christmas. The buildings are all lighted and it makes the city look nice. You can also see just how many trees are in the city from this vantage, since you are at a higher vantage point.
Peacock Rd. This road is not technically in the city, but I enjoy driving on it because it is rural. It has hills and sharp turns, and is a dirt road. It is a quiet road and not very wide. During the fall you can see the colors of the changing trees quite well.