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Principales Concesionarios En Austin, TX
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Austin, TX Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Austin?
Austin, TX
Many people have been moving to Austin lately. As a result, the traffic has been intense during rush hour. The best way to maximize your driving experience is to drive during off-peak hours. This will enable you to enjoy the city more and to experience it as it was before many people started moving here. The most important thing to remember though, is that one of Austin's strengths is its back roads. There are hundreds and once you learn the grid work of how they are laid out, it will be easy to get around. For instance, Lamar blvd. Is excellent for getting from north to south Austin during rush hour. Not only is it an excellent alternative to I-35, but it has a lot of local charm. North Lamar in particular has the look of "old Austin". They way the city looked before hipsters took over. South Lamar has its own charm, too. It is more glitzy, but it has a lot of great places to eat and is interesting in its own right. Similarly, Airport Blvd. Is another alternative to getting from north-central Austin to southeast Austin. It is an excellent alternative to otherwise bumper-to-bumper traffic. Getting to know these back roads and alternative routes will save you when you are in a tight spot!
As far as purchasing a car in Austin goes, it can present the same challenges as other places. First, get a sense of the city and also a sense of what your daily commute would be like. Also consider your commitments. Are you single, or do you have a family? Are you a homebody or do you like to spend your nights out on the town? All of these considerations should be made before you choose a vehicle. Once this choice is made, decide if you want to buy new or used. In the case of buying new, make contact with all the dealers in the area who sell the type of car that you are looking for. As them all to name their best price and then go from there. If you are seeking a used car, Carmax in Austin has great prices and they are extremely friendly. You may find better deals however on sites such as craigslist or eBay. It all depends on your comfort level. No matter which way you choose, however, definitely get a mechanic to check the car out before you spend you hard earned money on a car that may end up costing you more in the long run! It is more than worth it financially as well as for peace of mind!
My favorite memory or driving highlight here in Austin dates back to when I first moved here in 2008. I was new here and I was just getting my bearings. I remember driving down this street called "South Congress" and thinking that "wow, this is such a great view of downtown. At the time, I was struck by the lights and the buzzing of activity. Things were happening and there was a sense of excitement in the air! As it turns out there was a huge music festival happening in town, also known as Austin City Limits or ACL. I had no idea at the time, how iconic that street was, as it is now the center of social activity and eating out! I also had no idea how much of an important part of Austin life the music festival was. I just remember the magic in the air, as my windows were down and the typical Texas heat had begun to disperse. Downtown lay ahead of me and I remember thinking that I loved this city at first sight! It was truly an amazing and iconic moment in my life here in Austin. Now every time I drive in this area, I remember that happy and exciting moment. The future lay ahead of me. Austin was a young city and I felt like it was all mine to explore!
I-35. I-35 is one of Austin's main arteries! It has existed for centuries known by cowboys as the Chisolm trail. It connects Austin from north to south and goes all the way down to South Texas and as far north as Minnesota. It is absolutely vital for getting around the city. It is important, however to avoid it at rush hour. All of the city's main attractions are easily accessed from I-35. It can take you home, or out to party in the 6th street area. It can take you to have a great meal in the Congress area. The possibilities are endless. For me it means pure freedom! I can take I-35 when I am looking for something new and exciting! It is great for driving fast, within the speed limit, of course! I-35 is, hands down, the best road to drive on in Austin. In fact, it is my favorite road in the state!!
Austin, TX
Watch for bikers as we have many professional and casual bikers that don't like to use the bike lanes.
Always shop around! There are so many places to look. And research your choices.
When driving into Austin on I-35 I find myself distracted from traffic by the memorable sights of downtown. While crossing Lady Bird Town Lake you can see the ribbon of water for some ways. People are canoeing peacefully down the shoreline and birds are gliding across the water. As I drive into downtown, the old Holiday Inn Hotel is the first thing my eyes light on. I have watched that hotel age since I was a child in my parent's car. The design of the hotel is quite unique to Austin and gives me the feeling of home. Shortly after the Holiday Inn, 6th street is visible for a split second if one is looking for it. I enjoy looking for new art on the sides of the buildings when I drive by. If it is later in the evening or nighttime, I can see the hundreds of people gathering on the closed street for a night of fun clubbing and partying. Perhaps the most memorable part of the drive through downtown, is seeing our State Capital. Once upon a time, buildings weren't allowed to block the view of the Capital building from certain angles. This is long past, as we are in a time of building up instead of wide. There are many new buildings in downtown Austin that rival for attention and remarks, but none can compare to the historic beauty of our Texas State Capitol building.
South Lamar Blvd. I love how this street changes every time I drive down it. There is always something new being built or new areas for food trailers to gather. The food trailers are a very big thing in Austin right now. You can try many different foods without ever leaving the same area. I also like that most of the "landmark" locations are still there. The Broken Spoke country dance hall is one of the more long term locations. There's always something fun to see when driving down South Lamar.