12 Chevrolet Aveo resultados
Stockton, California
A bad choice
Let me start out by saying that the dealer that sold me this car definitely ripped me off. In the condition my car is currently in, I doubt it's worth more than $1,200. But when I bought the car about four years ago, I paid about $5,500 plus traded in another car for it. At the time, I desperately needed a car, so I was willing to pay, but it quickly showed that it was a bigger rip-off than I initially thought. Over these few years, I can probably guarantee I've put at least $5,000 of work into this car if not closer to $10,000... not including paying off the loan. Every thing that could go wrong with it goes wrong, and as soon as you fix it, you turn around and something else breaks. Not only that, but the exterior paint has bubbled, chipped, rusted... and the car isn't even ten years old. Another minor detail is that the original stereo has no CD player. It doesn't have a tape player, even. There's just a radio and aux input (luckily). But never in my life have I seen a car older than 2000 that just plain had no CD or tape input or anything. Bottom line is, though, it's survived due to my care, this car has been one of the biggest wastes of time and money of my life. Don't get an Aveo. There's a reason you've never heard of this model.
Adwolf, Virginia
Overall, a nice work car.
We purchased this little car to be a work vehicle for the long commute to college everyday. The commute consisted of winding country roads, mountains and highways, all which took about four hrs. round trip each day. After doing this commute for awhile in our main vehicle, my husband and I decided that we had to have something easier in general and wouldnÕt cost as much upkeep. We have had the car for about one year and 1//2 years, and we have had so much trouble out of it. This is the only vehicle that we have had to take to the garage multiple times for the same issues. The car itself is adorable. It's nice and small and drives okay for what it is. The muffler was one of the first things we had to replace. It apparently broke a bracket or something, and it sounded like a weed eater for a while. This didnÕt amuse my husband (main driver) at all, but I did find the sound hilarious. I donÕt think I would buy another used vehicle, just because this one has really taken a lot to keep it on the road, and we have never had to do that to any other cars we have owned.