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Oxnard, CA Driving Tips and Experiences
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Oxnard, CA
A tip I would give people when driving in Oxnard is to watch out for the traffic lights. They aren't synced up and will cause bad traffic in most intersections at rush hour. They also have traffic light cameras that will catch you making a turn on a yellow light.
There are plenty of options to buy a car in this City. We have many different options from new car lots to certified used car sellers. There are also always cars for sale by owner parked in the Rose shopping center. Watch out when buying a used car from the owner because most of them don't have a valid SMOG certificate.
The best time to drive in Oxnard is at 1 in the morning. The streets are empty unlike in the day time when cars litter the streets. I love driving with the widows down and feeling the cool ocean air on the skin. I blast my music and speed through all the green traffic lights. Everything is lit up at night with neon signs.
Gonzales rd. I love driving on this road because it can connect you from the sandy beach dunes all the way to Rice where you can easily jump onto the PCH. This road goes through the farm fields where you can have beautiful views of the mountains. This is the road that I take to go to the beach, as well as to some of my favorite restaurants.