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Salinas, CA Driving Tips and Experiences

Autolist Poll
Is a car necessary in Salinas?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
Salinas, CA
Salinas, CA Driving Tips
To the drivers driving along Los Osos Valley road: slow down! Enjoy the scenery. Don't tailgate. We all get to the same traffic light at Foothill at the same time. Be courteous to other drivers. No need to be an ass. It's all cool, man.
Salinas, CA Buying Tips
I have never bought a car in this city, so this is difficult to answer. I have always gone out of town to the LA area to purchase cars. If you're looking for a used care, I've heard McCarthy's Wholesale is a decent place to go. But I'm always skeptical of car dealers and would prefer to go through classifieds or craigslist to meet up with an individual person. Just bring the car to a mechanic to get it checked out before you purchase.
Favorite driving memory
My city wasn't listed in the pop up. My city is Los Osos, and I drive to San Luis Obispo Monday through Friday for work. A driving highlight for me was one day on a commute to work, I saw all kinds of animals along the way: horses, baby horses, cows, sheep, vultures, other birds, chipmunks, and a coyote. I love that I'm near a city but nature still surrounds many areas around here.
Favorite road
Los Osos Valley Road. I love my commute on Los Osos Valley Road. It is a two-lane road with a 55 mph speed limit. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to work. The drive through this valley is just beautiful. The valley is low and there are agricultural fields along both sides of the road and pretty mountains are in the background the whole way. I also love to see the various animals along the way. It's quite nice. The weather is usually neat too, changing from my Los Osos beach town with fog to San Luis Obispo where the weather is always at least 10 degrees warmer.
Salinas, CA
Salinas, CA Driving Tips
If you are heading to the coast from Salinas be sure to stop on River Road to visit the wonderful fruit stand that offers hay rides and apple cider. Start early because traffic can be unpredictable.
Salinas, CA Buying Tips
There is a large group of dealerships off the 101 and Boronda Road. Most people head to the near by town of Seaside to buy a new car due to the expansive selection
Favorite driving memory
Beautiful winter day just before the holidays. It never snows in Salinas but today the weather was just perfect, tiny flakes of icy snow drifted around like dancing fairies as we drove to find out Christmas tree.
Favorite road
Highway 68. Beautiful stretch of highway that connects the Salinas Valley which is the lettuce capital of the world to the beautiful coast of Monterey. During the spring there are blue lupines and orange California poppies a sight only a few are blessed to see.