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Vallejo, CA Driving Tips and Experiences
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Is a car necessary in Vallejo?
Vallejo, CA
It is easy to drive in this city, however, I would suggest the great public transportation if you had very far to go. There seems to be a bit of a lack of parking in most areas.
I would search craigslist. Also there are several car lots on Tennessee Street and a few other streets.
My favorite memory is that you do not need to drive far to get around. Many shops and eating places are in walking distance in the town area. The hills make driving interesting and the streets are laid out in a convenient pattern.
Georgia Street. Georgia Street takes you to the ferry building when traveling West. It is a direct street and makes a drive to catch the ferry or bus into the Napa Valley or San Francisco Bay area so easy. There is ample parking at the ferry building and on adjacent streets.
Vallejo, CA
Know where you're going. There are some neighborhoods in Vallejo that are pretty rough, but most are okay as long as you're cautious and responsible.
Sonoma Blvd has most of the dealerships in Vallejo on it, although there are some elsewhere around town, such as just off of Columbus Pkwy.
I recently got very lost going to a friend's house. I did not realize that her street became a one way, and I drove in a lot of zig zags before I finally found a way to get to her house.
Sonoma Blvd. Many parts of this road feel very much like the old routes that would go though the hearts of the cities in America. There is a lot going on this street, and while you do have to exercise some caution there it is still an interesting place to drive.