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San Bernardino, CA Driving Tips and Experiences

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Is a car necessary in San Bernardino?
Must have
Nice to have
You can get by without
Don't really need one
No need at all
San Bernardino, CA
San Bernardino, CA Driving Tips
Take your time and enjoy the ride. Even though some of the areas may not seem like the best or safest places, it's not that bad. Also, don't tailgate people, it's just rude and they will tailgate you right back once you pass them.
San Bernardino, CA Buying Tips
Personally, I have never bought a car in this city, so I would just say to be cautious like you should anywhere.
Favorite driving memory
There are a lot of different things to see in San Bernardino. Any day, I can just jump in the car and drive down Route 66 or I can drive into the mountains in about ten minutes or less. There is a lot to see and a lot of history in the town, so driving around is always entertaining.
Favorite road
E Street. This street goes almost all the way through San Bernardino. It starts after coming down a hill, then goes for miles and miles. There are also many things to see on the street. The McDonalds museum is on E Street, there is an event center, and there are other things like malls, movie theaters and city buildings. It is also where the Branding Iron, which has been featured in a few movies, is located.
San Bernardino, CA
San Bernardino, CA Driving Tips
Always be on your toes you don’t have to worry about yourself you have to worry about the next person because you don’t know where their minds is.
San Bernardino, CA Buying Tips
Check your engine oil for coolant contamination and deposits. Check your Trans oil for burnt or deposits in oil. Check, your ac if it works and run the vehicle with ac on if it has an overheating it will surface when you drive, also check your oil pans for leaks. Also, check engine mounts one-way to check them is to keep your foot on the brake and go through all the different gears while shifting and never removing your foot from the brake and having someone outside checking while your hood is up if, the engine moves.
Favorite driving memory
My favorite moment would be when I first earned my driver license.
Favorite road
Waterman. It is the main road that will take to most of the places you want go it is a main street.