11 Chevrolet Camaro results
2014 Chevrolet Camaro OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Garfield Heights, Ohio
I am extremely disappointed.
I originally purchased this vehicle because I thought it would be my dream car. The car has a strongly built frame; however, it has a fiber glass body so it dents easily. The interior is exceptional, even after owning it for almost 2 years. One of the many flaws of this vehicle though is that it is extremely small inside and is not meant to really transport no more than 2 people at a time. There is limited leg room in the back seat for other passengers, and the driver's seat sits up higher than the passenger seat with no way to adjust it, so you are constantly looking down at your other rider. One of the positive things about this vehicle, however, is that even after driving it for over 50,000 miles, I have yet to need any maintenance on it other than a basic oil change and new brake pads. The general appearance of the car is exceptional, and I receive a lot of comments on it. The one flaw with its appearance is that since it is black in color, scratches are more noticeable along with dirt and salt from the roads during the winter. The dual muffler makes the car look more sporty, along with the rear spoiler. For being a V6, it is a lot faster than any of my other cars in the past with the same motor, and it is great on gas. Although, another negative thing about this vehicle is that the battery only has a positive output on it, and you have to search for someplace to ground the negative cable if you need to charge it for any reason. The trunk is exceptionally small, but in my profession of delivering pizzas, I was able to fit 8 sheets stacked in 2 piles of 4 in it which is doable.
Garfield Heights, Ohio
My Chevy Camaro came well equipped with several impressive features. I really enjoy the hands free calling option. It makes it a lot easier to concentrate on my driving during a call, opposed to trying to hold my phone and the steering wheel at the same time. The heat in this vehicle works excellent. However, it does get a little too hot at times, so I have to turn it off frequently. I like the fact that I get great gas mileage. If I could change my purchase decision, I would have paid the additional money for the V8 model. The V6 has higher performance. Space in this vehicle is a little cramped, especially if you are transporting more than one other person. The back seat is definitely not meant for kids, as my one son complains that there isn't any room for his legs, and the younger one continuously kicks the back of my seat. I do however love the body style on this car. Although it is more masculine looking, it is absolutely gorgeous and everyone who sees it is impressed. The only other flaw that this vehicle has, is that the body is mainly made of fiberglass so if you accidently lightly bump something, it definitely leaves a mark. Overall, I do like this vehicle very much so, but it is meant for someone who uses it for basic daily commute to work, or travel for pleasure.