36 Chevrolet Cavalier results
Chevrolet Cavalier OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Albany, New York
Perfect fit
I love this car. I would definitely own another one unfortunately they stopped making this model years back so you better snatch one up if you find it. I fell in love with the color and look. Of course I would love a sporty car but that's not what I got. But this car is dark green, just right for my redneck side, and small enough to easily parallel park or back into a garage/parking space (something I am not very good at). There is a spare tire in the trunk. It is easily accessible as long as you don't have much in your truck, believe me as I have popped many a tire bad luck I guess, but enough room for a crate with my emergency preparation such as extra oil, maps, jumper cables, first aid kit, washer fluid, and anything else you think you may need. The trunk isn't huge but it is barely wide enough to fit most gun cases. Between my boyfriend and I we own quite a few guns/ pellet guns and as they fit in my trunk they do not fit in his or my sisters. One of the things I like the most about this vehicle is I am at over 100,000 miles and have spent almost no money on it other than upkeep. The timing belt is expensive but that's only every 100,000 miles so not too bad. Other than that the only money I have put into the vehicle is a little paint cause the hood did start to rust but only to a degree that I took care of that myself. Tires, which are rather cheap for this car about $150-$200 to replace all four. I know people who spend $200 on each tire so I'd say this is quite the savings. The one downside is the paint. The top film wears leaving it look sun burnt is the best way I can describe it, the good part about this is although it looks a little strange it doesn't actually wear through to the paint causing rust, just discoloration. Rust does develop around the wheels and the undercarriage of the vehicle. The worst part about this is that it is worst at the part where you jack up your car, making this a bit dangerous if you aren't careful about the positioning. I also think it doesn't help that I live in the north country, upstate NY. If your not from here that means a lot of salt on the roads in winter, which really has a toll on the undercarriage of our cars up here. And lastly the muffler strap has a tendency to break. I have had it both welded back on and replaced about 4 times since I bought it. It's cheep only about $15 but annoying and something you have to watch for. But overall the best car I have owned and hope to get something comparable when I get a new car.
Affton, Missouri
Dependable, reliable, long lasting
I bought my Cavalier in August of 2005. I have currently driven my Cavalier as an everyday driver for the past 10 years. It has 196,400 miles on it and to this day I have not had to make any "major" repairs. The only repairs I have had to make other than the normal maintenance is the fuel pump and shifter cable. It has been a great car. It gets great gas mileage, around 27 miles per gallon on the highway.
Springfield, Missouri
Best. Car. Ever.
I bought this car as a certified program car in 2003. It had approximately nineteen thousand miles on it. It was reasonably priced and was very clean.