25 Chevrolet Colorado results
2007 Chevrolet Colorado OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
Houston, Texas
Fantastic Little Truck
My vehicle is a white Chevrolet Colorado from 2007. It has two doors and can seat up to two people, as there is not backseat. I love this model in that it is very comfortable, gets decent gas mileage, and the back window can be opened (some of the models don't have this feature). I have large mudding tires that are filled with nitrogen rather than just normal air, which came with the truck when I purchased it used. I also have a cover on the back so I can transport items without them getting wet.
Kearney, Missouri
Trusty older vehicle.
I have enjoyed driving this truck. I have driven it back and forth to work for several years. It has been a good form of reliable transportation. The cab is a good size and can fit up to 6 people if needed.