130 Chevrolet Corvette results
2008 Chevrolet Corvette OWNER RATINGS & REVIEWS
San Juan Bautista, California
Sleek fast and handles great!
I bought this car new from the factory, I actually pre-ordered it, and I waited almost 6 months to get it. So far the car has been very reliable, the engine and transmission are rock solid. I have put about 52,000 miles on it and the only mechanical part that has needed to be replaced is the starter and that just happened a couple of weeks ago. The car is awesome at high speeds and I love the holographic display, makes it difficult to drive other cars once you have gotten used to it.
The paint on this car is amazing, it always looks nice and seems to really resist scratches. The seats are also very comfortable and this car is excellent to take on road trips.
Unfortunately the car does not handle so well in the parking lot. It has a very large turning radius and as the tires wear down you get a horrible grinding, popping, bumping noise as you turn your wheels at parking lot speeds (goes away when the tires are replaced.) A quick word of advice for those thinking of getting a Corvette do not get the bf Goodrich super car run flats. You will die if you drive with these on a wet road. They are awesome during the summer but it is like driving on a slip and slide in rainy weather. Also the tires are expensive and need to be replaced frequently (every 12-14 thousand miles.) Gas mileage is also not so great but you don't buy a car like this for gas efficiency. Some of the fit and finish is fairly cheap for what you pay for the car. The first year I had the car the passenger side sun visor broke and had it not still been under warranty I would have paid about $700.00 To replace this part. The drivers side door also started sagging within the first 6 months I owned the car. Because it was so new they had no spare parts. I ended up having to wait over 3 months to get this fixed. I had to literally lift the door every time I wanted to open or close it.
Overall I really love the car, if you are thinking of getting one just make sure you are prepared for the expensive oil changes, maintenance and tires.