229 Pacifica Hybrid resultados
Principales Concesionarios En Modesto, CA
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Modesto, CA Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Modesto?
Modesto, CA
If you don't know the city use a GPS and pay attention to the roads. Some turn into bike lanes all of a sudden and others turn into turn lanes.
The best thing to do is to decide what kind of car you want and then head over to McHenry Ave. There are a number of dealers for you to look at and choose from there. You don't want anything too small that can't handle rough roads since they are doing a lot of road construction in and around town right now and I'm sure will continue to do so. But again too big and you might have trouble in the construction zones.
One of my favorite memories was trying to direct my cousin home from Vintage Faire Mall. There aren't any clear directions when you exit the mall towards 99 so I told him to go right and follow the road until you see and entrance ramp. However, his girlfriend didn't like that idea so I pulled out my iPhone and looked up the directions. Then she pulled out her phone because she said my was wrong half the time. Anyway, her phone ended up taking us through neighborhoods and circling back around to where we started and added an extra 20 minutes to our drive home.
Sisk Rd. There are so many stores you can access from this road including the mall and Wal-Mart. There are a ton of restaurants on this road that aren't in Manteca like Olive Garden.
Modesto, CA
Watch out for MPD, they love giving expensive speeding tickets.
I would make sure the service is legitimate. I love my city, but there are a lot of car thieves in this area, and you don't want to accidentally get caught up in a stolen car scandal. So definitely make sure you are going to a real car dealer or auction when you buy a car, and if not, make sure they have the pink slip or it should be no deal.
I remember being a teenager in Modesto, when I was 16, my friends and I used to cruise Mchenry ave. The movie "American Graffiti" made that particular area famous, but cruising through there is nothing like the movie (and not just because its set in a different era!). I remember this one night, we were cruising from Mchenry into downtown Modesto and saw a bunch of people waiting in line at the state theater dressed up as members of Kiss, because they were showing some Kiss-related movie, and my best friend saw this, and pulled down his shorts as we were driving by to moon them. They had no idea what had just happened to them! Well...Maybe some idea, haha.
Tully. It's my favorite because it usually has the least amount of traffic, and it cuts through most of the Modesto area and part of Riverbank as well. It makes everything a lot easier to navigate.