468 Pacifica Hybrid resultados
Principales Concesionarios En Carlsbad, CA
Toyota Carlsbad
2009 Honda 856
They were very friendly and not pushy at all. they offered a great price that I could not even find at the Honda dealership.
Carlsbad, CA Consejos y experiencias de conducción
Encuesta de Autolist
¿Es necesario un coche en Carlsbad?
Carlsbad, CA
Drive by the beach, it's amazing! Be cautious of people. People tend to accumulate at the beach and sometimes they do not like to follow traffic rules. But there is this one point in the road getting onto the freeway where there are no traffic lights. This is the time you can go 50mph, roll down the windows, let your hair go crazy in the wind, feel the sun on your face, and take in the salty air. I suggest putting on a good song you like and just appreciate the beauty of the ocean. It'll make you appreciate the little things in your life. Also, it'll make you appreciate life in generally and how beautiful it is.
Honestly I would suggest buying new. There are a bunch of great dealerships around. I also would say don't be against buying used. People Carlsbad especially people who live close to the beach do not drive there vehicles often. It's pretty easy to find a good used car with one owner and low mileage. Also, There are a lot of older people in the area who use there car only to do simple tasks and return home. I feel like Carlsbad is a great place to buy a car.
I actually do not have a favorite memory of driving. I actually do not enjoy driving. I have always wished I lived in an areas where public transportation is king. I feel like having a car is very harmful to the environment and I try as much as I can to not drive my car at all. Despite this, sometimes it is nice to go on a drive, blast your music, and sing like nobody is listening. I like it for the solitude. When you are driving in a car no one is really paying attention to you. Also, the people you drive past do not know you and will probably never see you again. When you're driving in a car you know that you are completely alone and no one can hear you. It is nice to have that reinsurance where you can think and talk to yourself and really reflect on things in your life.
Carlsbad Blvd. This street is my favorite street because it is right next to the beach. It has such a beautiful view. The weather is nice and breezy where you do not need your AC on. On Carlsbad Blvd you I usually roll down my window and let the wind just go through my hair. The loud roar of the wind lets me focus completely on the road and the environment. Carlsbad Blvd also has a very smooth long road with little stops lights. You can cruise down it and it makes it seem like the ocean never ends. Also, on Carlsbad Blvd. you are so close to the ocean you can smell the salt water.
Carlsbad, CA
Just follow the rules of the road and you'll get along fine. The drivers aren't 'crazy California drivers' like the aggressive folks I encounter on the roads every time I visit LA. Things are pretty orderly. Don't get too creative.
Well, I think nowadays the key (no matter where you live) is to do as much research online as possible. The more you know before you visit a lot, the less likely you are to be taken in by fancy sales pitches that lack substantive value.
I grew up in this city, so I suppose my 'driving highlight' would be cruising through nearby Encinitas in the couple of years of high school after first obtaining my driver's license. The music was always great classic rock and I could drive down the 101 and get a burrito any time I wanted. Very liberating.
Highway 101. The road is great because it's a low-stress highway. There aren't ever too many cars on it, and it's lined all the way up and down with amazing small businesses and restaurants to stop at. I've spent many afternoons with friends just cruising and hanging out along that road.