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Principales Concesionarios En Glendale, CA
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Glendale, CA Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Glendale?
Glendale, CA
Don't be in a hurry. Watch out for pedestrians and drink in the atmosphere. It might not hit you at first, but you'll notice the friendly, inviting, family-oriented place that it is if you give it a chance.
The Brand Boulevard of Cars on South Brand is famous for its string of dealerships. You can find just about any new car you want or compare shop easily because the dealers are right next to each other. Avoid smaller lots that sell used cars, because they are usually not good quality.
When I first visited the city, it was Christmas time. Although I knew very little about the place, driving down the main street, Brand Boulevard, seemed a little magical. The decorations, the wind whipping the lights around, all made it very inviting. It reminded me of the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life." I knew then that I wanted to live here to raise my family.
Chevy Chase. It goes winding up a mountain and makes you feel that you're on an isolated patch of forest. The scenery is beautiful, the houses are well-maintained and spaced out so they don't take away from the natural beauty. At the top is a nature preserve that is like a climax to the drive. I don't drive this very often, so when I do it's a great pleasure.
Glendale, CA
Give yourself plenty of time and try hard to avoid traffic times. I go to work pretty late in the day just to avoid people on the roads. It saves me hours. My drive to work is 20 min when I go at 11am. If I left at 9 am it would take over an hour. Keep in mind that rush hour is earlier on Fridays, because people want to get off work for the weekend.
Finding parking is a big deal. So having a short car can save you hours of hassle over the long run. I can even count how many times I have almost been able to fit into a spot, but not quite. I frequently have to park several blocks further than my friends with smartcards, sparks, minis, etc. City cars save time.
I have to drive 20 min to and from work every day. My girlfriend lives 15 min away, and my band practices 10 min away. The radio in this car is great is good for passing the time away. When I drive over the mountain from Hollywood into North Hollywood I lose reception for a few minutes, which I hate. Other than that it is good. People drive pretty aggressively in my area, but the Honda Accord has good pep.
Forrest Lawn. It has few cars and few turn offs so you can go pretty fast. I have also seen some pretty good wildlife on this road despite it being in the city.