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Principales Concesionarios En Irvine, CA
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Irvine, CA Consejos y experiencias de conducción
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¿Es necesario un coche en Irvine?
Irvine, CA
Be careful how you drive here and NEVER drink and drive. Its not worth it. We have too many pedestrians. Runners, and bikers that are easy to not see and you could accidentally hit someone. Also police will pull people over for anything because Irvine is a great city and they have nothing better to do then pull people over. So make sure you use your turn signals, you speed only if no police are around, your registration is up to date, and you follow the laws.
I am not really sure about this one. I think that they have a pretty cool area of dealerships that you can go to.
This city is a pretty cool city to drive in because most of the people who live here have really nice and fast cars. They are also mostly students that attend UCI. Because of this demographic, they are young and like to drive FAST! This makes it a lot of fun when they want to race you. Just recently I was driving and then this guy next to me nodded at me to race so I did. When the light turned green we both sped ahead. I won of course, but then I had to slow back down because I was approaching a light that was yellow and about to turn red. The guy I was racing full on ran the red light !!! It was pretty crazy.
Campus Drive. Because it is long and there is no lights for part of it. You can go pretty fast. BUT the coolest thing about it is that it is rumored to be haunted because some chick ran across the road one night and got hit by a car and died. People say that sometimes at night, she will pay a visit to people who are driving alone in there car down that road and she will appear right next to them in the passenger seat. CREEPY! I have yet to experience this. But I don't think I would want too. I definitely take another route if I am alone at night just in case.
Irvine, CA
Drive cautiously and expect traffic during the morning and evening rush hours. This city has a pretty large population and you should expect a lot of traffic on certain streets between 6-9AM and 5-7PM on weekdays. I think you must own a car if you live in this city. Public transportation does exist here but it is not the most convenient way to get around.
The Irvine Auto center or the Tustin Auto center has all of the dealerships of almost all makes available in the US. It is very close to anyone that resides here. They are both great auto malls and you can find exactly the car you want. There is also CarMax located in Irvine where you can find great deals on used cars. There are plenty of options for buying cars in Irvine.
The driving in the city is pretty much like driving through any other nice suburban area. Nothing too special. There are just homes, apartments and some shopping centers. The Irvine spectrum is the only cool place around here. The Irvine spectrum center is a great outdoor shopping mall that has a large variety of stores and restaurants. It also has a nice movie theatre.
Irvine Center Drive. It is the one of the main streets in the city that goes straight from South Irvine to North Irvine. You can drive down this street and get almost anywhere in Irvine. It is a large street so there is not a lot of traffic during most times of the day. Anywhere you need to go in Irvine will not be too far away from Irvine Center Drive.