705 Ford Focus resultados
Columbia, South Carolina
Ford Focus Pros and Cons
I am an avid Ford fanatic and in my lifetime many of our family members have all owned and loved Fords for many years. I was ecstatic to own my very first Ford (with the help of my parents for financing purposes). I was happy for the very first year of owning my car. The gas mileage per gallon is amazing and to fill the car up it takes from empty about twenty-five dollars. I still enjoy the car but I have been displeased with the amount of times that I have had to take the car into Ford due to the transmission issues. I am also unhappy with the response that the Ford technicians gave me when I complained about the cars handling when the transmission problems started. I was told I did not know how the car handled...After driving it for a year straight. Once a mechanic looked at it I was given a short apology and was told my year old car would need a new transmission. Now, a year later I am faced with the same issues and will have to receive yet another transmission. Overall this car has been great for me driving back and forth to school in South Carolina because of the gas. But it has been unreliable with its many issues with the double-clutch transmission. Ford should bite the bullet and help people with these issues because I have seen online that many cars have this same issue.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
It has many flaws.
We recently purchased a 2014 ford focus. We began noticing while driving that it almost felt as if it were driving as a standard vehicle. It would jerk a lot, while pressing the gas pedal, and it would do so in such a way I thought the transmission would possibly drop. The air conditioner has also almost completely gone out, as well as the air in the tires, and we have only owned this car for a year and given it no reason to have so many issues. We have not heard of the different recalls on it yet, but I'm quite sure there are many. I've almost been hit pulling out onto streets because the car would start going slowly then almost stop by heavily jerking. I will never tell anyone to buy one of these vehicles because it's very unsafe, but for now until we can afford to trade it we have to keep driving it, in hopes that it doesn't cause us any harm.